Louis Vuitton Lockme II BB
This is the older version of the Louis Vuitton Lockme II, which can only be worn crossbody style or on the shoulder.
I purchased this bag on May 31, 2017.
It has been almost two years since I've had this purse and it is still in excellent condition. This was my first ever luxury handbag purchase and I will always remember the day I walked into the Louis Vuitton boutique in Waikiki.
The purse itself is quite structured and stands upright. I love the silver chain and the LV logo with the twist closure.
The leather strap is very durable and comfortable when you wear it crossbody or on the shoulder. The strap does not slide off the shoulder, which is usually an issue with some other bags. Since the strap is not a metal chain, it is also light.
On the side of the bag, there are buttons that can shrink or expand the bag.
The leather of the interior flap is still in great condition but I do notice that the leather is more flimsy for this part of the bag.
There is an extra compartment in the front part of the bag where you can store your phone, card holder, credit cards, cash, and etc. I thought that this was a functional addition to the purse.
Overall, this purse is extremely low-maintenance and the leather is very durable and sturdy. I personally adore this purse which can be worn crossbody and on the shoulder. I recommend the new version since it is more versatile: can be worn crossbody, on the shoulder, and chain-doubled.
I hope this wear and tear update/review was helpful for those who are interested in this purse.